Category Archives: Short Novel

When The Rain Falls (5)

CHAPTER 5 – “Torn Between Two Lovers”

As our intense encounter subsided, the rain’s relentless drumming continued. It wasn’t the rain that ended our passionate connection but our exhaustion from the frenzied attempt to consume each other. Like shipwrecked souls, our desperate thirst for connection left us drained and gasping for air in the harsh light of reality.

Sleep, a heavy, unwelcome blanket, enveloped you as always after our stolen moments of forbidden intimacy. The cycle had spun for what felt like an eternity, each encounter a desperate grasp at pleasure tainted with guilt. Once intoxicating, the thrill of the secret now felt like a flickering flame casting long, menacing shadows. We were moths drawn to its destructive warmth, unable to pull away.

As I got dressed, I saw you sleeping. You looked beautiful and captivating. It’s unfortunate that you’re with someone like Daniel. I felt a selfish urge to make a promise I couldn’t keep – to take you away from your husband. But the weight of Elena’s trust, a fragile thread already straining, held me back. Should I leave my fiancée to be with you?

The sound of thunder pulled you from sleep. By then, I was already clothed, a knot of guilt tightening in my gut as I sat perched on the edge of the bed near your feet. You stretched, a yawn escaping your lips, before reaching for your clothes. As you held them out to me, a silent question hung in the air. “Help me dress?” you asked, a flicker of something – trust? Dependence? – in your eyes. I willingly obliged.

As I finished helping you dress, I was overcome by a mixture of emotions. The urge to hold you close, to feel your warmth against mine, was a physical ache I couldn’t ignore. My fingers brushed the bare skin of your nape. Then I leaned in and pressed a kiss to the sensitive flesh there. My lips lingered, the warmth of your skin searing a brand onto my conscience.

The embrace lingered, a silent plea hanging heavy in the air. With a reluctant sigh, you pushed yourself back, your eyes searching mine. A tremor ran through your hands as you cupped my face, your touch both hesitant and desperate. “Jeff,” you whispered, voice thick with unshed tears, “I can’t… I can’t stay with Daniel anymore.  I can’t stay here in Sagada any longer. It’s suffocating me.” The words tumbled out, choked with emotion. “Please,” you pleaded, your eyes glistening, “help me get out of here. You’re my only hope.”

A stunned silence fell between us.  Your words, laced with a desperation I hadn’t seen before, caught me completely off guard.  My mind scrambled, unsure how to respond to such a sudden and dramatic plea.

“Jeff,” you whispered, clinging to me, “take me anywhere. I’ll go with you.”

My breath hitched. “Do you mean… leave Elena?”

You pulled back, your eyes stormy. “What am I to you, Jeff? A fleeting pleasure?”

A pained silence stretched between them. Finally, I muttered, “Camille…”

“Is this your game?” you cut me off, voice sharp. “Seduce and discard?”

I flinched. “What about you, Camille? Am I just a substitute for Daniel’s affection?”

“Love?” you scoffed. “Can you even love someone in a few days? Three days, Jeff. Three days, and you think you’re in love?”

The challenge in your eyes sparked something in me. “What about you, Camille? Have you…grown to love me?”

A beat of silence, then a shaky nod. “Yes.”

My heart pounded. “And what if I said the same? What if I told you, Camille, that I love you?”

A flicker of hope crossed your face, then hardened into resolve. “Then there’s no problem, Jeff. The decision is yours. Do whatever you want. But I’m leaving Sagada. Come if you want. We meet tomorrow. Here, until two.”

“But Camille…”

“No buts,” you said, your voice firm despite the tremor in your hand. “Me or Elena. Choose.”

You reached for the hut’s door, flinging it open to reveal a relentless curtain of rain. The wind whipped it sideways, momentarily chilling you to the bone.  Without a word, you turned back to me. Glistening with unshed tears or maybe rainwater, your eyes held mine for a beat too long. Then, with a swiftness that surprised me, you leaned in. Our lips met in a desperate kiss, a plea whispered on the storm’s breath. It stretched on, a silent battle between what we wanted and what we knew. Just as my hand reached out to pull you closer, you broke away. A single tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down your cheek as you stepped back, a world of unspoken emotions swirling in your eyes.

“If you don’t come tomorrow, that will be the last kiss you get from me.”

The rain pounded on the roof, but you stepped into the downpour, refusing the shelter of your umbrella. The sight of you alone, soaked by the cold rain, stayed with me. Your unspoken words felt heavier than any storm. My thoughts mirrored the chaos outside, torn between you, Elena, my wife, and our life together. The choice between you both consumed me, an echo drowning out all reason.

I didn’t wait for the rain to stop. I went home, and along the way, I kept thinking about what you said after you kissed me before you left the hut – that it would be the last kiss I’d get from you if I didn’t go to the hut the next day. That was perhaps the sweetest kiss you’ve ever given me. It seemed like you purposely made that kiss intense as a reminder of what I would lose if I didn’t choose you. The memory of your kiss seared itself onto my thoughts, a constant reminder of the impossible choice I faced – the sweetness of your lips versus the comfort of Elena’s.

Upon reaching the house of my fiancée’s family, I was met by the jarring sight of Elena’s cheerful greeting on the terrace.

“Oh look, Dad, you didn’t get wet this time because you brought an umbrella.”

“Yes, Mommy,” I replied as I plopped down on a chair on the terrace.

Elena also sat on a chair in front of me.

“My daddy looks very tired again. Did a fairy appear again and…”

“Alright… a fairy came to the hut, and I f—ed her. That’s why I’m tired.”

That was the first time I seemed to have scolded Elena. She was startled. She bowed her head, looking embarrassed.

I quickly thought of a way to make up for it. I suddenly laughed and laughed.

Elena looked at me in surprise.

“Mommy, I was just pranking you. I was just pretending to be angry.”

Elena was very puzzled.

“I thought you were really angry, Dad.”

“So… sorry, Mommy. I guess I was just too tired.”

I scooted my chair closer to her. I held her hand and gently kissed it.

Elena’s next move caught me off guard. Rising from her chair, she closed the distance between us in a single, surprising step. Then, before I could fully react, she was on my lap, her lips meeting mine in a kiss that was anything but innocent. A playful nip at my lower lip sent a jolt through me, a mix of surprise and a strange, simmering arousal.

It was then that I realized the difference between your kisses – your kisses, a whirlwind of passionate intensity, had left me breathless. Hers, however, were like a soothing balm, filled with a tenderness that spoke of a love built over time. You were fire, a thrilling inferno. Elena, a warm hearth, a comforting refuge.

The decision of whether to meet you at the hut tomorrow wasn’t simply a choice between passion and love; it was a tangled web of desires, obligations, and the potential consequences of each path.

Elena tilted her head, her brow furrowed in concern. “Are you feeling alright, Dad? You seem a little out of sorts today.”

I offered a tired smile while squeezing her hand. “A bit of a long day, that’s all, ” I responded.

“Maybe we should just head back to Pasig, then? I was thinking maybe all this trouble here is getting to you.”

“The thought is sweet, Mommy, but we can handle a few bumps in the road. Sagada is beautiful, and we’re not  done yet  with what we came to do, right?”

Elena’s face brightened. “Right! Once Mom is feeling better, we can still see everything! The hanging coffins, the falls, the caves – it’ll be an adventure! We can even go to Banaue and see those amazing rice terraces everyone talks about!”

I chuckled. “Sounds like a plan. We’ll make a whole vacation out of it.”

 “Prooomise!!!… Now, Dad, what do you want – coffee, tea, or me?”

I played along with Elena’s joke.

“Coffee now and you later.”

Another thing I loved about Elena was her sense of humor. You… had none. It was hard to read your true nature because we met when you were burdened with problems. So, I saw you as too serious and always troubled.

Why did it seem more likely that I would choose you? Elena, my wife, my rock. Her love was a steady lighthouse, guiding me through life’s storms. Yet, you were a shooting star, a fleeting glimpse of something extraordinary. The passion, the danger, and the wrongness of it all ignited a fire within me. Perhaps the allure of the forbidden, the thrill of the unknown, or maybe a spark of something deeper I couldn’t define made you the storm I was inexplicably drawn to.

The day loomed, a dark cloud on the horizon. The pull towards the hut, towards you, was undeniable. Yet, each step closer brought a fresh wave of doubt. A knot of guilt tightened in my gut, and the image of Elena’s trusting smile constantly reminded me of the love I was jeopardizing. Leaving felt wrong, a betrayal of the vows whispered on a sun-drenched day.

But then, your face would flash in my mind – the intensity of your gaze and your desperate plea. Was that reason enough? Reason, it seemed, had deserted me. Logic argued for safety, for the comfort of the familiar. But you were a storm brewing in my heart, a tempestuous force I couldn’t ignore. In a desperate attempt for clarity, I found myself drawn to a quiet corner untouched by the day’s turmoil. There, I surrendered the decision to a higher power with a whisper that felt more like a plea.


Chapter 1-A

Chapter 1-B

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4