Pain’s But A Myth

the-silhouette-of-a-lonely-man-vector-16961044Tricked by Eros, I was brokenhearted.
In anguish and torment oh my soul screamed.
“Journey to my dreamland,” Hypnos muttered,
“Drown your misery in the lake of dreams.”

Dionysus countered, “Visit my vines
There feast upon my sweet magical grapes
Submerge your anguish in the lake of wine
Let the spirits engulf all of your cares.”

Aphrodite said, “I will  bring Helen
She can kiss your anxieties away,
Play with her in Dionysus’ haven
While I’m holding Menelaus at bay.”

And when Thanatos arrived he whispered,
“Down there anxieties have no domain
Now, hold tight my hands, waiting is Hades
Let death vanquish all your distress and pain.”

Rhea came last, took my hand and she smiled.
Oh her turret crown beamed comfort and ease.
On her laps I just cuddled like a child.
Then she whispered, “Know that pain’s but a myth.”

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