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On How Important Effective Communication Is

“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.”
~ Nat Turner ~

We all agree that communication is very important, especially in this era when most of our decisions are data-driven. And I think only a few (or no one) would disagree that communication skills are difficult to develop. But no matter how arduous that task is,  we must work hard to acquire them.

The ability to communicate effectively is a “must-possess” skill. If somebody says that it is a “superpower,” I wouldn’t disagree, for if you can communicate effectively, you have one of the most important tools needed to succeed in whatever endeavors and undertakings you undertake.

You and I should learn how to effectively convey our ideas and feelings and divulge our intentions properly. Lest we forget, though, that communication is a two-way process. It is not just a matter of us sending or encoding a message but being able to process the response or feedback being sent back to us. Or we could be at the receiving end of the process. This means we could be the receiver instead of being the sender.

In whatever role – processing feedback or receiving a message – we need to decipher or decode efficiently.

Communication is one of the few constructs that can be found in the vocabulary of different fields of study.  The said concept is a fundamental aspect of major areas related to language and literature. It is an integral part of any field that requires information to be disseminated, such as in media, business, politics, health care, and education. Even in science and math. The said subjects may be technical in nature, but they require effective communication. Without it, scientists and mathematicians cannot disseminate the necessary information and knowledge to the general public.

I cannot recall any concept that serves most (if not all) fields of endeavors other than communication. Thus, the ability to communicate is included in the list of skills a person must develop. It is a vital component of any “self-improvement” model. It is hard to imagine a personal growth and development program that does not include improving communication skills.

Communication is simply the process of exchanging information or expressing one’s ideas, thoughts, or feelings to someone else using spoken or written words or any other medium. The process involves the interplay of the main elements of communication – sender, receiver, message, channel or medium, and feedback. The interaction of the above-mentioned components is affected also by other factors –  context and interference or noise.

The communication process starts with the intention to send a message (the information to be conveyed). Others refer to the messages as the subject matter of communication. The sender initiates the process. They are the source of information or the one sending the message to a receiver using a particular channel or medium.

Channel is described as the path through which an encoded message is transmitted from a sender to a receiver. The message can be relayed through written or verbal (electronic or personal)  means. Messages sent electronically may come either in audio or video formats. The receiver is tasked to understand or decipher the message they receive, after which they are expected to send feedback to complete the communication process.

Feedback is the receiver’s response to the message. Giving feedback reverses the communication process, where the receiver becomes the sender and vice-versa. When you communicate, you, as the sender, naturally expect a favorable response. For that to happen, you must ensure your message is clear and easy to understand.  And your message will be easier to understand if you make it concise. You must deliver your message in the shortest (but complete) way possible.  Clarity and conciseness are the hallmarks of an effective message. They help avoid ambiguity and confusion.

To ensure the success of the communication process, you also need to consider the factors that affect it. When the sender conveys the message and the receiver gives feedback, the environment or situation should be set to help the communication achieve its intended purpose. Dham (2023) explained how context and noise could disrupt the process of communication. He explained that the “context provides the backdrop against the communication. This includes the physical, social, psychological, and cultural environment in which the interaction occurs. Context influences how the message is interpreted and helps establish shared meanings between the sender and receiver.  Noise, on the other hand, refers to any interference or distortion that affects the clarity of the message during the communication process. It can be external, such as background noise or technical glitches, or internal, such as language barriers, cultural differences, or emotional distractions. Minimizing noise is crucial to ensuring the message is accurately transmitted and received.”

Understanding how the process works is a prerequisite to effective communication. If you succeed in creating a synergy among the main elements of communication and are able to control the effects of the other factors, you will reap great dividends.  It will enable you to deliver a message or convey information accurately and efficiently, ensuring mutual comprehension and avoiding misunderstanding.

Communicating effectively is as important as the other self-improvement skills you need to pursue success, happiness, and wealth. It is required when interacting with others in both professional and personal environments. Communicating effectively is an essential skill whose development you cannot take for granted. Through a good communication approach, effective and meaningful interactions can be effected.

Communication plays a fundamental role in both our professional endeavors and personal undertakings. Whatever those endeavors or undertakings may be, they all involve interpersonal relationships that can only be nurtured when we establish connections with other people.

On a personal level, we need to establish communication with our loved ones and friends. It helps build a stronger connection with them and resolve conflicts or disagreements. Effective communication is the foundation of successful friendships, including romantic relationships. It promotes intimacy, trust, and mutual understanding.

Any professional pursuits also require the development of the ability to communicate. You cannot find a job or succeed in business if you are incapable of self-expression. We have been told countless times that in order to succeed, we should be able to communicate.

In the workplace, effective communication plays a significant role. If you are a leader or manager of any enterprise, you must be ready to articulate the goals and objectives of the organization and make the members cooperate in their pursuit. The members should be provided with clear direction and motivation so they can all work together for the organization’s success. Teamwork and collaboration can be achieved through effective communication.

Even if you don’t like to work for any organization in the workplace and you’re planning to establish a business of your own or be a freelancer, you still need to develop the ability to communicate. Working alone, sometimes, means having to work harder. The business of selling products and services by yourself would require stronger efforts in persuading potential customers.

Effective communication is a prerequisite to any successful business endeavor, whether doing it with an organization or by yourself.  Remember that it is also essential in the pursuit of happiness, for it helps build meaningful relationships.


Dham, M. (2023). Elements of Communication Process. PrepBytes Blog. https://www.prepbytes. com/ blog /basics-of-communication/elements-of-communication-process/