When The Rain Falls (1-A)

(An AI-aided translation of my short novel in Filipino entitled “Tuwing Bubuhos Ang Ulan“)

Chapter 1 –  In the Hut of Passion

The rain brings back memories, with each drop reminding me of you and bringing sadness. How can I forget you when attempting to do so feels as pointless as trying to control the weather? Rain will fall when it’s destined to, bringing with it a deluge of my sadness.

If only I could banish the rain forever and always keep the sun in the sky. Under an endless clear sky, I’d go out at noon, letting the sun’s intense glare scorch my skin and every bit of you lingering in my thoughts. Your memory, an unyielding thorn, digs deep, a continual ache at the very core of my being

The first sight of a gathering storm in the sky fills me with apprehension, echoing the turmoil within. As the wind picks up, its chilling howl foretells the impending rain. I hurriedly seek shelter, knowing that with the heavy rain comes a deluge of past memories, each one tearing at my already shattered heart.

I have nowhere to hide. Your memory is like a shadow that always follows me, especially when the rain falls. My mind is like a leaky roof, offering no refuge. Your memory, like rainwater, seeps through every crack, drenching me in a relentless tide of sadness and grief.

Why did I ignore the warnings? The beauty of Sagada was undeniable, with its mountains beckoning to be explored and captured through my lens. But in my eagerness, did I miss some premonition?  Was fate whispering through the pleas of Elena, my fiancée, for me to bring an umbrella, a suggestion I dismissed with foolish bravado? Perhaps our paths were destined to cross, written not in the stars but in the choices we make or the choices we neglect to make.

I don’t believe in destiny or fate; a person’s future is shaped by their decisions. As Albert Camus said, “Life is a sum of all our choices.” Despite Elena’s advice to bring an umbrella because it looked like it would rain, I disregarded it. I thought my trusty hoodie would be sufficient, and carrying an umbrella with my camera and gadgets would be cumbersome. She even suggested postponing my trek until the next day so she could join me, but my excitement for exploration and the need to create content for my YouTube travel vlog couldn’t wait another day. Despite my skepticism about destiny, a flicker of doubt crossed my mind. Had I been too hasty in dismissing Elena’s warnings?

Feeling torn between guilt and excitement, I put on my backpack. Elena was peacefully asleep in her room as I left a message with her mother. The thrill of exploration conflicted with my unease and worry about potential regret.

As I walked, curious glances followed me. I was a newcomer in this old-fashioned village, and only a few faces recognized me from disembarking the jeepney with Elena earlier. I returned their gazes with hesitant nods and shy smiles; the unfamiliar territory made me self-conscious. Soon, the village gave way to verdant landscapes – vegetable gardens bursting with color, rice fields stretching like a patchwork quilt, and a symphony of trees swaying in the gentle breeze.

The afternoon passed by in a blissful haze. As I clicked away with my camera, I felt a growing sense of accomplishment as I documented the beauty around me. Perhaps feeling too relaxed, I finished the three beers I had brought, and the sun and scenery amplified their effect. As usual, music streamed from my phone while I captured the world through my lens, and I even sang along to some Air Supply and Ed Sheeran songs. Though I had thought about live streaming my captures on Facebook, the stubborn signal remained weak.

As raindrops splattered on my lens, I looked up at the sky. The joy I felt moments ago dissipated as the sun hid behind the clouds, turning the sky gloomy gray. The air crackled with anticipation as the wind picked up, whipping fallen leaves into a frenzy. Elena’s voice echoed hauntingly in my mind, reminding me of my reckless decision. The heavens unleashed their fury, transforming the dusty path into a muddy river. In the distance, a small hut crafted from nipa and bamboo materialized like a mirage. Its window, propped precariously with a stick, offered a sliver of hope. I bolted towards it with relief, praying for a reprieve from the downpour

As I stood before the hut, I realized it was a symbol of my foolishness. A suffocating wave of regret washed over me. Instead of a sanctuary, it felt like a cage built from my poor choices. The concern in Elena’s voice echoed in my head. I should have listened to her warnings and prioritized her company over my impulsive solo adventure. The sting of self-blame was far worse than the rain lashing down outside.

The small hut barely provided enough shelter for a few people. I saw a stepped rice field carved into the mountainside through the open window, offering a sliver of beauty amidst the downpour. Elena had mentioned a mini rice terrace, a hidden gem near their home. A pang of regret swept over me. This wasn’t the time to appreciate the scenery; it was a stark reminder of the adventure I could have shared with Elena, an opportunity to see this wonder together, side by side.

This simple hut, possibly used by the rice field owner for resting, provided an unexpected sense of security. Inside, a small bed is suitable for a couple invited with the promise of rest. A plain bamboo table stood beside it, a practical piece in this utilitarian space. Although lacking amenities, the hut exuded a sense of practicality. However, I felt concerned. The silence was oppressive, interrupted only by the incessant drumming of the rain on the roof. Was I alone in this deserted shelter, or were other eyes watching from the surrounding woods?

I quickly entered the hut, seeking refuge from the pouring rain. My backpack made a thudding sound as I placed it on the wooden bed, and I hurriedly set my camera on the bamboo table. I took off my damp hoodie with relief, feeling the chill seep into my bones. I placed the hoodie on the table beside the camera, evidence of my hasty escape. The rain hammered on the roof, its relentless rhythm echoing the pounding in my chest.

I felt relief as the dim light from the window faded, giving way to encroaching darkness. Fortunately, I found a mini-rechargeable light in my backpack that we had used during our beach camping trip last week. With trembling fingers, I retrieved it and turned it on. The light beam illuminated the small hut, turning the oppressive darkness into a more bearable dimness. It wasn’t much, but it felt like a beacon of hope at that moment.

The wind howled, rattling the flimsy walls of the hut. Instinctively, I reached for the stick propping open the window, the need to secure this meager shelter overriding any lingering unease. A sudden creak at the door sent a jolt through me. Before I could react, it swung open, revealing a figure silhouetted against the pouring rain. My breath hitched in my throat. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was alone, seeking solace from my own poor choices. But you, unexpected and unknown, stood there, forced by the downpour to seek a temporary refuge, just like me.

I couldn’t ignore the irony. Why did we both risk it and go out without umbrellas today? We should have stayed inside like everyone else probably did. This unexpected meeting wouldn’t have happened if I had listened to Elena. But here we were, huddled in this makeshift shelter, brought together by a simple decision – or maybe something more? Our paths had crossed, and it wasn’t just the rain that took my breath away.

“I’ll just take shelter here, sorry.” You said.

“This hut isn’t mine. I’m just taking shelter too.”

Shivering and soaked to the bone, you met my gaze with a watery smile as you leaned against the flimsy wall of the hut. Your t-shirt clung to you, highlighting every curve. Heat flared in my cheeks as I struggled between concern and an unwanted awareness. I quickly rubbed my itchy eye, trying to look away before you noticed. Then, I saw you holding a beer can, which you placed on the table beside my camera.

A violent tremor shook your body, escalating into uncontrollable shivers. The flimsy hut offered little protection from the relentless downpour, and your clothes clung to you, soaked with rainwater. Concern washed over me. Despite the chill, I removed my shirt, feeling its warmth starkly contrast the dampness around us. “Here,” I said, extending it to you. You stared at the shirt, then back at me, with a mix of surprise and something else – a flicker of recognition, perhaps? A hesitant “thank you” escaped your lips. You started to unbutton your shirt but then paused, a look of internal struggle crossing your face. The heavy downpour roared outside, but a different kind of tension crackled inside the hut. With a silent nod, I turned slightly, granting you privacy in the cramped space.

Feeling a shift in the atmosphere, I cautiously turned back and saw you looking at my bare torso and face. Our eyes met briefly before you looked away, a hint of embarrassment coloring your cheeks. You then focused on my camera on the table, and the rhythmic rain clicked, the only sound breaking the sudden silence. Seizing the moment, I took a longer look at you. You were about Elena’s height, and your undeniable beauty radiated even now. But comparisons felt insignificant. There was a raw vulnerability in your posture, a depth in your eyes that hinted at untold stories. Despite the awkwardness, a strange sense of connection hummed, a shared vulnerability blooming in the unexpected turn of events.

The rain pounded on the roof, filling the silence between us with a constant noise. Awkwardness lingered in the air from our unexpected meeting. We exchanged shy glances, each sparking curiosity. We shared timid smiles, trying to connect despite being strangers brought together by the rain. A question hung in the air: who was this beautiful soul seeking refuge with me in this rundown hut?

“Th…this rain looks like it’s going to last a while,” I said.

“Yes, it does. By the way, I’m Camille.”

“I’m Jeff.

I took your beer from the table and scrutinized it.

“Ah… it looks like you’ve been drinking,” I said.

“Yeah, I already had 4 cans of those before it rained.”

But you didn’t seem intoxicated. Or maybe you were, but it wasn’t obvious. I couldn’t even detect the distinct smell of beer on your breath.

Then I noticed that your shivers took on a life of their own, escalating into a violent dance that contorted your body. It got me worried. That was not from intoxication. The symptoms mirrored those of hypothermia. The rain, a relentless thief, had likely stolen most of your body heat. The meager protection of the hut offered little solace against the pervasive chill. You huddled at the bed’s edge, your form wracked with tremors, a whimper escaping your lips. Thinking fast, I scanned the room, my gaze landing on my backpack. Perhaps there was something I could use to help, a way to generate some warmth before it was too late. But there was none.

Panic gripped me. There was no time to hesitate. It wasn’t a choice but a desperate move. With a deep breath, I reached out and pulled you close, wrapping my arms around you. At first, you stiffened, then relaxed against me. You held on tightly, seeking warmth and comfort. The touch sent a jolt through me, making me catch my breath, especially as our chests pressed together, your heartbeat racing. Pushing aside my own nerves, I focused on helping you. I gently laid you on your side and rubbed your back to warm you up. I wrapped a leg around yours, our bodies tangled in need. You buried your face in my chest, your ragged breaths a reminder of the moment’s urgency.

Your body’s trembling slowly eased, and you breathed a sigh of relief. I continued to rub, trying to generate warmth. As you relaxed, you lifted your face from my chest, a hint of gratitude in your expression. You leaned closer as if about to say something, but instead, you surprised me by pressing your cheek against mine, sending warmth through me.

 As we enjoyed the unexpected closeness, you turned your head slightly, and our lips touched softly for a fleeting moment. The kiss was barely perceptible, more like a question than a statement. However, its impact was undeniable. I caught my breath, and a mix of confusion and something deeper flickered in your eyes. We pulled away, leaving a charged silence between us, filled with unspoken emotions and a new mystery. While the heavy rain outside continued, a different kind of storm brewed within the confines of the hut – a storm of emotions sparked by a single, accidental touch.

Your eyes immediately opened wide, matching the surprise I felt. The unexpected contact of our lips had sparked a powerful connection between us. You pulled back quickly, a blush rising on your neck. However, in that brief instant, our eyes met. There was a flicker in your eyes – surprise, yes, but also something deeper, a hint of a desire I couldn’t quite comprehend. I found myself caught between confusion and an undeniable attraction towards you. While the storm outside continued to rage, a real storm was brewing within me – a whirlwind of emotions stirred by the accidental brush of our lips.

“Oh, I am so sorry…” I said.

The sensation of the kiss lingered in the air, echoing the jolt that still resonated within me. I instinctively wanted to pull away, to create distance for safety. But then, your hand reached out and gently cupped my cheek, your touch a delicate caress that sent shivers down my spine. My breathing hitched, and I found myself captivated by your gaze. The initial surprise in your eyes softened, replaced by a warmth that sent a tremor through my core. It felt like a silent conversation, an unspoken understanding passing between us. Then, drawn by an invisible force, I leaned in again, the space between our lips shrinking with each passing moment. There was no physical pull, but an undeniable yearning that transcended logic. This wasn’t about the storm or the unexpected turn of events; it was about something deeper, an emerging connection between us fueled by the shared vulnerability of the moment.

The space between our lips had narrowed to a breathless whisper. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a potent mix of surprise and a burgeoning awareness. My mind, usually a whirlwind of logic and reason, seemed silent. All I could hear was the frantic thumping of my heart, a counterpoint to the rain’s relentless assault on the roof. Your hand on my arm felt like a brand, searing through my confusion, grounding me in the present. At that moment, defying every voice of reason, I knew what to do. I closed the remaining distance, my lips meeting yours in a desperate, tender kiss. The world around us faded, the downpour a mere background hum to the symphony of emotions exploding within me. It was a kiss fueled by the urgency of the moment, a shared vulnerability that transcended logic. And for a fleeting moment, everything else ceased to exist, replaced by the intoxicating power of connection.

The intensity of the moment lingered, a palpable presence in the air.  There was an unspoken question between us: why hadn’t you let me pull away? And why, when our lips met, had your response been so fervent? It was more than just a kiss; it was a deepening, desperate search for comfort that surpassed words. The warmth I offered ignited a fire within you, and your response was a surge of reciprocated passion. Our bodies moved in a silent dance, a more ancient and primal language than words could ever express. The rhythm of the storm outside faded into the background, replaced by the intoxicating symphony of our entwined breaths and the soft moans that escaped your lips. In the dim light of the hut, I caught a glimpse of raw emotion in your eyes, a vulnerability mirrored my own. At that moment, amidst the storm’s chaos, we found a fragile haven, a beautiful collision of souls brought together by the most unexpected circumstances.

The rain drummed a relentless rhythm on the roof, a stark counterpoint to the storm raging within us.  Why couldn’t its icy tendrils extinguish the flames that had erupted so unexpectedly?  Perhaps it was the shared vulnerability of the situation, the helplessness that had thrown us together in this ramshackle hut.  Or maybe it was the spark, a flicker of something deeper ignited by the touch of our skin, the warmth of our bodies seeking solace against the chill.  Whatever the reason, the rainwater, instead of dousing the embers, seemed to nourish a seed of passion that had taken root in the fertile ground of our shared experience.  The storm outside mirrored the turmoil within, a chaotic dance of emotions that terrified and exhilarated us.

The afterglow felt heavy with regret. “I wish we were cold and unfeeling as rocks,” I whispered, the words catching in my throat. Your eyes, which were filled with passion after that accidental kiss, reflected my inner turmoil. A heavy silence descended, broken only by the relentless drumming of the rain on the roof. Shame, a bitter aftertaste, coated my tongue. I longed for the simplicity of being a saint, untainted by desire. But the truth was far harsher. I was all too human, a fragile creature tossed about by the tempestuous seas of emotion.

The rain, which had been relentless, finally stopped, leaving behind a world that was washed clean. The passion that had erupted between us had faded, but a warm feeling lingered, both comforting and unsettling. We were lying apart, with a quiet distance growing between us. Once filled with desire and regret, your eyes now seemed to express something new – perhaps a flicker of curiosity or a question yet to be asked. The change in dynamics was palpable. Despite the physical intimacy having ended, there was still a glow of attraction, silently promising something more… or perhaps reminding us of the delicate line we had crossed.


Chapter 1-B


Teacher-Writer-Lifelong Learner I have three passions - teaching, writing, and learning. I am a Filipino currently living and teaching in South Korea. My socials bear the common name MAD'S Workshop. It is my studio in cyberspace. It is where I blog and vlog and where I scratch my creative itch. My interests are varied - prose & poetry, education, research, language learning, personal growth and development, and sports (baseball and boxing). My main advocacy is the promotion of self-improvement. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Posted on June 4, 2024, in Destiny, Fate and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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